Off-set your carbon footprint

2 min readMar 1, 2021


Now that you know what carbon footprint and carbon markets are (wait, you don’t know it yet? Read my story “What is carbon trading?”) it is time for you to get your skin in the game.

The first thing you need to do when thinking of off-setting your carbon footprint is trying to reduce it as much as you can (or as much as you are willing to).

There is no better off-setting than direct emissions reduction.

However, you won’t be able to reduce your carbon footprint to zero and there is where off-setting comes across.

Then it is time to calculate your actual carbon footprint. There are several pages that will help you do that (see) and the one that I found more accurate and easy to use is carbon-footprint.

Once you know your carbon footprint (and where does most of your CO2eq emissions comes from — which will help you to reduce them) you are ready to off-set. In my case, my 2019 carbon footprint was 6.3t, mostly coming from flights, hotels and restaurants.

Finally, you just need to purchase carbon credits that will off-set these emissions. Again, there are several NGOs and companies to do so (see) and the ones that I have used in the past are myclimate and carbonfund.

I won’t try to convince you for one or the other; I just hope that this article has helped you achieve carbon neutrality.




Written by Robert

Economist and strategic consultant. I devote my time and work to making our society sustainable and ensuring a quality future for all livelihoods.

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